Thursday, June 18, 2009

Affordable Family Medical Insurance Starts with Healthy Living

Face it; health care is expensive - no matter how you slice it. Affordable family medical insurance is a need for so many people. One of the best ways you can keep your medical insurance rates lower is to stay as healthy as you possibly can. offers these tips for maintaining your family's health, which will help you find and keep affordable medical insurance.

1. Don't smoke. Smoking is undoubtedly the number one health hazard today. Smokers get sick much more often than non-smokers do and are more likely to suffer from ongoing chronic illness and disease than non-smokers are. Smoking affects your entire body, including your heart, your circulation, your healing ability and time and a host of other health hazards. If you choose to do only one thing to improve your health, stop smoking today. There are a number of different smoking cessation tools and aids to help you quit - and you can get many of them free through various programs, most of which are sponsored by medical insurance companies. Do a web search for smoking cessation and find a program to help you quit smoking today. You'll also find more affordable health coverage and life insurance if you're a non-smoker with lower premiums and discounts available from many insurance companies.

2. Eat Right. You've heard it repeatedly, but watching your diet is one of the easiest ways to get healthier, which leads to more affordable health coverage. Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables - and plenty of variety. Not only will your plate look more attractive and appetizing with dark greens, deep oranges, reds, purples and yellows, you'll also be getting the widest variety of vitamins and antioxidants by switching things up. Cut the fat and you'll cut the cholesterol. Include lean meats, lots of fish and poultry and adding alternative proteins like legumes, soy and nuts. Drink your milk and add plenty of water to your diet. Limit your portions. Keep your blood sugar steady by eating five small meals throughout the day rather than three large ones. Allow yourself the occasional indulgence to avoid feeling deprived.

3. Move it or lose it - your health that is. As our lives get busier, we spend more time jumping in the car and rushing off to the next important thing we need to do. One of the best things you can do for your health and to maintain affordable health coverage costs is to incorporate more exercise into your daily routine. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park two blocks away and walk to your destination. Put on some music and dance. Ride bikes with your kids. Push a lawnmower instead of using the rider. Get out in the garden. Take a walk after supper. Bring a bag lunch of low-cal foods and use the rest of your lunch hour to take a stroll. There are many ways to add exercise into your daily routine, even if you don't have time to go to the gym. Start by adding one new habit each week until you've built in an additional 30 minutes of movement into your daily routine.

1 comment:

  1. The living standard that a person follows has a greater impact on the insurance plan. Living habits are counted actually when the insurance providers do sets up the policy rates. The possible way to lower down the health insurance rates is to stay healthy. I will do follow your tips to maintain the health which automatically results in an affordable deal.
    commercial insurance
